How to create a windows 10 installer usb drive from a mac you need to download the windows 10 iso file go to the download page and select the proper edition of windows 10 in the dropdown. Can you download windows 10 iso on a mac. If you’re trying to install windows on mac without a cd/dvd drive, you’ll need to download a windows iso imagemicrosoft has finally standardized the process for this making it very easy to download an iso for windows 7, windows 81 and windows 10.
can you download windows 10 iso on a mac
Most mac computers can run windows 10 in a dual boot environment with the help of a utility called boot camp this means that when the mac starts up or reboots, you can choose between booting into mac os or booting into windows on the same computer running windows natively on a mac with boot camp. Many mac users are still unaware that you can install windows 10 on mac for free from microsoft perfectly legally. microsoft doesn’t actually require users to activate windows 10 with a product key unless you want to customize the look of it.. Your mac will now restart, and you'll be brought right back to macos. to get back to windows 10, and indeed another way to switch from windows 10 to macos, is to restart your mac and hold down the option key on your keyboard until a boot menu appears. from here, you can choose which os to load..